70 years Loepfe

Test 2 Card
Hahskdhsj fsb bdkjbfaidurgh B BHND YBÖOIAYDFBJKY OY9DFBNKJDY BÖYODBFÄYODFBNJKDFBJ kjdbfksdyshfg oäadfbnkfhb adäfohb ökdyjbf

Wetzikon 1965
hjsgi dguodhb gydhjfbg <jhsfgv<osbhg p<dbg<d bfh

Wetzikon, 1998

Wetzikon, 2001


I started my apprenticeship as a business administrator in 2019 and have been workingas a management assistant since 2022. Being part of the team at Loepfe feels like the perfect fit, and I couldn't imagine a more fulfilling role.
Debora Wäfler- Management Assistant